The Company
Vision Statement
To be Malta's leading Logistics Company delivering excellence in customer experience globally.
Mission Statement
To exceed customers' expectations by providing high quality, cost-effective logistical and diversified services.
History and Development of the Company
MaltaPost p.l.c. (C22796) was registered with the Malta Registry of Companies as a public limited company in terms of the Act on 16 April 1998.
The Company commenced trading on 1 May 1998 in terms of a licence granted by the Government of Malta for the operation of postal services in the Maltese Islands. The Company took over the operations of the former Posts Department through a licence issued by the Postmaster General.
Since Malta's entry into the European Union, substantial changes have taken place in the legislative regime regulating postal services in Malta. The Postal Services Act regulates the provision of postal services in Malta in line with the applicable EU Directives.
MaltaPost p.l.c. has a licence to provide postal services and is the designated Universal Postal Service Provider. As from the 1 January 2013, the market has been fully liberalized thus enabling other entities to provide postal services also falling under the scope of the universal service.
One cannot condense the extensive history of the postal service in Malta in two short paragraphs. It goes back, however, to the Knights of St John who were ceded the island by Charles V in 1530. Correspondence, official or otherwise, increased in volume and importance with every decade that passed.
A General Post Office was established in Valletta in January of 1885, and on that date postage stamps of Great Britain ceased to be valid for the prepayment of correspondence posted in Malta and Gozo.
The postal service has made great strides since those early days. Malta became a full member of the Universal Postal Union in September of 1964, after having benefited through membership of the UPU since 1875, being the first British Colony to become a member just one year after the UPU was set up.
Business Overview
MaltaPost p.l.c. is Malta's leading postal services company, being the sole licensed Universal Service Provider of postal services. The Company has a dominant presence in the Maltese market for all postal services with its six day deliveries per week to all households and businesses in Malta and Gozo, together with the largest retail postal network serving the general public.
The Company's corporate vision is to be recognised as one of Malta's leading companies and aims to be a customer-focused, financially and commercially strong enterprise. Its core business is the provision of high quality, cost-effective, physical and electronic postal and other related services and products to meet its customers' requirements, while ensuring that shareholder value is enhanced and the aspirations of staff are met.
It is believed that MaltaPost's brand is well-positioned with Maltese households, and this will facilitate sucessful entry into related markets. Furthermore, the Company's quality levels of local and international delivery of mail have consistently achieved higher standards than those required by local and international regulatory bodies.
MaltaPost's long operational history will enable it, through its staff and systems, to compete successfully in the postal market. The Company has invested significantly in its ICT systems to ensure that it can increase, diversify and upgrade its product and service portfolio in anticipation of customer demand and expectation.
The majority shareholding in MaltaPost p.l.c. by Lombard Bank will present considerable opportunities for MaltaPost to expand its products and services, enhance its branch network and benefit from the transfer of knowledge from this strategic shareholder. This, also anchors the Company to an institution which is well respected and successful in the local financial services sector.
The following are the services provided by the Mail division of MaltaPost p.l.c.
services for collecting, sorting, transporting and distributing domestic and international mail, including a registered and insured postal service;
delivery and receipt of all items of mail between all countries worldwide;
direct mail services, principally for business customers, including: document management and scanning; invoice processing; printing; folding; labelling; and enveloping;
additional services for business customers including the provision of a business reply service and unaddressed advertising mail;
fast, trackable and secure delivery both within Malta and Gozo and worldwide provided by two of the Company's service lines, Express Mail Service and MaltaPost Express International.
Other activities:
full service PO Box facilities in various localities, including related scheduled pick-up and delivery services;
local door-to-door distribution services, including: warehousing; and fulfilment and distribution services of sundry merchandise;
philatelic products ranging from traditional stationery to stamp albums and personalised stamps are offered internationally through the Company's Philatelic Bureau;
other services in addition to standard postal services provided through the Company's retail network, including: the payment of utility bills and licences; tax collection; ticket sales; communication cards;
postal and other general stationery; and local and international money transfers;
additional services offered by 27 sub-post offices and 431 stamp vendors.
The Company is undergoing a modernisation programme of the branch network to improve the facilities at post offices and provide a suitable platform for continued growth, and plans to diversify its revenue basis by enhancing its existing product range, including the provision of low cost financial services.
MaltaPost p.l.c. is strongly focused on improving efficiency to ensure a consistent high standard of service for customers.
To learn more about our services please follow this link: Committed to Deliver
Equal Opportunity Employer
On 19th January 2015, MaltaPost was awarded the Equality Mark for its commitment to gender equality at the workplace and in the goods and services it offers. The mark was awarded by the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE), with the support of the European Social Fund (ESF), who on a continuous basis identifies and awards organisations that demonstrate a commitment towards gender equality, certifying them as true equal opportunities employers.