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Special Hand Stamp - 100th Anniversary of the Statue of Victorious Malta in Zabbar

MaltaPost announces that a Special Cancellation Handstamp, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Statue of Victorious Malta in Żabbar, will be used on Monday 9 September 2024 at the Żabbar Post Office situated at "Ċentru Ċiviku", Triq il-Kunvent, Żabbar ZBR 1351.

Orders for this special hand postmark may be placed from the MaltaPost Philatelic Bureau at 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001, online at, via e-mail - or by phone on 2596 1740.


Timbru Speċjali: 100 Sena Statwa Malta Rebbieħa - Ħaż-Żabbar


MaltaPost tixtieq tinforma lill-pubbliku li ser jinħareġ timbru speċjali biex jitfakkar il-100 Sena Anniversarju tal-Istatwa ta' Malta Rebbieħa f'Ħaż-Żabbar. Dan it-timbru ser jintuża nhar it-Tnejn 9 ta' Settembru 2024 mill-Fergħa Postali ta' Ħaż-Żabbar li tinsab fiċ-Ċentru Ċiviku, Triq il-Kunvent, Żabbar ZBR 1351.

Dan it-timbru speċjali jista' jiġi ordnat mill-Bureau Filateliku, MaltaPost p.l.c., 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001, jew onlajn fuq, - telefon 2596 1740 - email