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Philatelic New Stamp Issue - Christmas 2022 - Santa's Workshop

For Christmas 2022, MaltaPost has issued two stamps together with a miniature sheet which also bears two stamps within it. Set as "Santa's Workshop", the miniature sheet was designed by Fabio Agius, a long-time staff member of the company. The busy workshop is set inside a wintry landscape as Santa busies himself reading a letter in front of a roaring fire. Elves are painting toys and packing sacks ready for their Christmas Eve delivery, while garlands, wreaths, candy sticks and bells animate the cosy scene. The two stamps depict Santa in his chair with one of the elves opening a shiny red letterbox.

The stamps will be issued in a sheet of 10 stamps, with each stamp measuring 31mm x 44mm, with a comb perforation of 13.9 x 14.0 and bearing the Maltese Cross watermark. The sheets measure 185mm x 118mm while the Miniature sheet measure 160mm x 86mm and were produced by Printex Ltd in the offset process. The issue consists of 120,000 of the €0.37 stamp, 60,000 of the €1.40 stamp and 15,000 Miniature sheets.

The stamps will be available from all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo from Tuesday 29th November 2022. Orders may be placed online at or by mail from the Philatelic Bureau, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001; Telephone: 2596 1740, e-mail:



Ħarġa ta' Bolli - Milied 2022 - ‘Santa's Workshop'

Din is-sena 2022, għall-Milied il-MaltaPost se toħrog sett ta' żewġ bolli flimkien ma' ‘Miniature sheet' li tikkonsisti f'żewġ bolli. Is-sett ‘Santa's Workshop' qieghed jiddiskrivi ix-xena fiż-żmien ix-xitwa b'animazzjoni ta' girlandi, kuruni, stikek tal-helu u qniepen. B'Santa jaqra l-ittra quddiem in-nar akkumpanjat bl-elfi li qegħdin ipinġu l-ġugarelli u jlestu l-ixkejjer biex jiġu mqassma lejlet il-Milied. Iż-żewġ bolli jiddiskrivu lil Santa fis-siġġu tiegħu b'wieħed mill-elfi jiftah il-kaxxa ħamra ta' l-ittri.

Dan is-sett gie iddisinjat minn Fabio Agius, membru ta' l-istaff li ilu snin twal jaħdem mall-MaltaPost. Is-sett se jinħareġ f'folja t'għaxar bolli. Kull bolla hija ta' daqs 31mm x 44mm, b'perforazzjoni ta' 13.9 x 14.0 (comb.) u l-folja hija ta' daqs 185mm x 118mm. Il- ‘Miniature sheet' hija ta' daqs 160mm x 86mm. Kemm il-bolli kif ukoll il- ‘Miniature sheet' ġew stampati b'watermark tas-Salib ta' Malta u Printex Limited ipproduċa dan is-sett b'metodu offset. Il-ħarġa f'din is-sensiela tikkonsisti f'120,000 tal-€0.37, f'60,000 bolla tal-€1.40 u 15,000 ‘Miniature sheets'.

Din il-ħarġa filatelika se tkun għall- bejgħ mill-Fergħat Postali f'Malta u Għawdex minn nhar it-Tlieta 29 ta' Novembru 2022. Ordnijiet jistgħu jsiru mis-sit elettroniku jew bil-posta mill- Bureau Filateliku, MaltaPost p.l.c. 305, Triq Ħal Qormi, Marsa, MTP 1001, Telephone 25961740 jew permezz ta' l-email:


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