The Maltese are being invited to vote for the €0.37 stamp designed by Ms Nicole Sciberras, a student of the Malta School of Arts, for the Best EUROPA Stamp Contest amongst other EUROPA stamps issued by the 49 postal administration members of PostEurop.

"Art offers students a very prosporous career path and it is very important to help our students achieve this goal," said Joseph Gafà, CEO at MaltaPost p.l.c. "Keeping this in mind, we are encouraging the Maltese to make us proud and vote for the Maltese stamp."
The Best EUROPA Stamp Competition is a yearly online event where creative entries from across Europe compete for the best design in stamps. The first competition took place in 2002. Each year, PostEurop's Stamps and Philately Working Group select the EUROPA Stamp theme - this year being "Forests" as 2011 was declared by the United Nations as the International Year of the Forests. The Maltese stamp depicts the artists personal interpretation of "Forests" in thecontext of the Maltese Islands.
Votes are open till 7 August and the announcement of the winning stamp will take place during the PostEurop Pleanry Assembly held on 12 and 13 October 2011 in Turkey. Everyone is invited to vote for the Maltese stamp on
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