MaltaPost held a blood donation event at the Blood Donation Unit in Gwardamangia. This was a first time experience, for most of the staff participating in this event. This activity formed part of MaltaPost's Corporate Social Responsibility programme.

"Donating blood makes you feel great knowing you are making a difference. The National Blood Transfusion Service continuously appeals to the general public as there is a great demand for blood of all types. Being an active part of the Maltese community, MaltaPost feels duty bound to lend a helping hand and contribute where possible. I would therefore like to thank all our members of staff who contributed towards this good cause." said Stefania Camilleri, Head of HR at MaltaPost.
Tony Micallef who is the person responsible within the National Blood Transfusion Service's (NBTS) for the recruitment and retention of donors, thanked MaltaPost for reorganising this event. He also encouraged organisations in Malta and Gozo to organise regular blood donating events for their staff. "Blood donating events organised by teams within a company encourage first time donors to overcome their fear to donate blood, eventually they find this experience very rewarding and subsequently becomeregular donors themselves" he added.
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