Thirteen socially-responsible corporations in Malta joined forces to offer voluntary support for the 17th Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Day, which is organised annually on St Joseph Day (a public holiday).
Around 355 staff members from AIS Group, Computime Group, Farsons Group, Forestals Group, FTI Group, GreenPak Co-Op, HSBC Bank Malta, MaltaPost, MEUSAC, Multigas Ltd, NM Group, SEP Malta, and St James Hospital Group dedicated their day to various causes.
Earlier in the morning, the participating companies and their representatives gathered at the official residence of the President of Malta H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, who thanked the volunteers for their tangible support to the society.
From the San Anton Palace, the groups embarked on their sites and began carrying out a range of work, from restoration of diapilated homes to preparation of hot meals for the disadvantaged. In no particular order, the chosen causes were: Il-Ballut ta' Marsaxlokk (Marsaxlokk), Ċentru Antida (Tarxien), Richmond Hostel (Qormi), San Blas Therapeutic Community (Żebbuġ), Dar Merħba Bik (Balzan), Aġenzija Sapport residences (Marsascala and Mtarfa), Birzebbuga Footbal Ground (Birżebbuġa), tour of Valletta and a private home in Fleur De Lys.

MaltaPost is proud to have participated in the National CSR day, for the first time. A number of MaltaPost employees joined forces and contributed towards this good cause on St Joseph Day.

Earlier this year MaltaPost p.l.c received a certificate from H.E. the President of Malta Marie Louise Coleiro
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